Monday, December 20, 2010

Entry Four: Dust Dowls And Okies and Hobos

August, 1931

Dear Diary, 

Today I've got news for my dad, he finally made it to California thank god. because we were starting to worry about him, he wasn't able to send us a little post card for almost 3 weeks. My mommy wasn't acting herself every since my dad left. It's scary having to see her like this, but hopefully he's able to come back fast and react because i don't think I can handle all of this by myself. We've been meeting many people from the plains which we call Okies, they have been coming to the cities. They also have very intersting stories they've been telling us, about these crazy dust storms they've been having to face and about how they had to leave their farms since they weren't able to pay. But then lot of hobos have been coming into town we just see them sleeping in the streets and it's scary to think that how my dad looks out in California like they haven't showered for dads. It's scary but hopefully his okay but today you never know what's going out there. But hopefully it's starts getting better! 

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